Returns/Damaged Items
In the unlikely event that items are damaged in transit, the entire package will need to be assessed, so please keep these and do not use any damaged candles .
As we live a hot climate, all candles will be posted out on a Monday to reduce the time they could be exposed to heat and higher temperatures whilst in transit.
We take care to pack and protect your candles from heat exposure, however we are not liable for any damage due to exposure to extreme heat during 3rd party transit delays.
We take care to pack and protect your candles from heat exposure, however we are not liable for any damage due to exposure to extreme heat during 3rd party transit delays.
Please contact us within 7 days of your order being delivered with your order number and photos of the broken or damaged products.
We will review this and if required we will arrange a replacement or refund to be sent out to you as soon as possible.
We will need photos of the items/ and damaged packaging and also may need the damaged items collected by a courier, or returned to us.
All damages must be reported to us within 7 days of delivery, otherwise we are unable to assist after this date.